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Natural Looking Permanent Make-UpNano Brows, Hair Stroke Brows, Machine Stroke Brows, Ombre Brows, Shadow Brows, Microblading and more in Venice, Fl...

Benefits of PMU

  • Save Time
  • Look Natural
  • Last Long
  • Low Maintenance
  • Waterproof
  • Doesn’t run or smudge
  • Correct or Camouflage
  • Customized to suit your face and style

They are perfect for the following:

  • Hair loss or lack of definition
  • Thin brows caused by years of over-tweezing
  • Chemotherapy or Alopecia
  • Scars (may need more touch-ups than other conditions)
  • Lengthening shorter existing brows
  • Correcting asymmetry
  • Active Lifestyles
  • Trouble applying conventional makeup, etc.
Beautiful and Low Maintenance

Artists are Licensed and Certified

What is the difference between Microblading and Nano or Ombre Powder Brows?

Microblading uses a manual tool to create many tiny hairstrokes throughout the brow whereas Nano and Ombre brows use a machine to create a hairstroke effect.

Do you have to shave off your eyebrows to get it done?

No – These are great solutions for people who have over-plucked their eyebrows – think 90’s brows, or who have naturally thin/light eyebrows and want to accentuate the look of eyebrows on their face. It is not necessary, nor recommended for a client to get rid of any natural hair he or she may already have. We want to make the eyebrows look as natural as possible and we always try to enhance your natural eyebrows so it is best for us to see them.


How do I know which technique will suit me best?

You can choose based on which look you prefer or we will suggest techniques that suit your skin type/brow shape etc. during consultation right before the procedure. In general, if you are looking for a very natural, almost undetectable look – you might pick Microblading or Nano Brows. If you prefer more definition, Ombre or Shadow Brow will be better.


How do you pick the color of the pigment?

We look at skin color, undertones, and the color of your natural brow hair when selecting the pigment so it looks the most natural.  Custom blending is also available.


How do you pick the shape?

Every artist has their specific style. We custom-draw the shape for every client that suits their face. We also suggest proper techniques based on clients’ skin type/ their current brow shape etc. We strive to create an atmosphere and relationship with you to make it easy to put your faith in the process of designing the brow shape based on your facial symmetry, muscles etc.


I have Microblading/Tattoos done by different artists. Can you do a touch-up on my brows?

It depends… Every artist has a specific style of work so sometimes we can’t work on previously tattooed brows. Every case is different so please send us pictures of your brows with no makeup: Text (941) 275-9890 or email


How long will PMU last?

Usually, it lasts 1-5 years. Factors such as skin type, iron deficiency, pigment color (lighter colors fade faster or have less contrast), and sun exposure can affect the pigments and break them down.

For best results, follow our aftercare instructions and touch up your tattoo every 10-15 months (or as needed). Clients with oily skin, very dry skin or those who do not follow proper aftercare might need touch-ups more often. Final results are NOT guaranteed as everyone has different skin and retains pigment differently.

Some processes are a 2 appointment process and re-touch is recommended in 4-6 weeks. Please note that it is your responsibility to come back for your re-touch. Any appointment after 6 weeks will be considered Touch Up or Color Boost which is a different price point.


How do I know if I am a good candidate for Nano Brow?

Nano or Microshaded Brow is a great alternative for individuals who are not good candidates for microblading. If you prefer something less painful and less invasive and they work on all skin types.

Before booking please review the following contraindications:

  • Pregnant or nursing
  • Under 18 years old
  • Use retinol-based products on brow area within the past 2 weeks
  • Use hair growth serum within the brow area in the past 2 weeks
  • Are currently using Accutane or have used Accutane within the past year
  • Have a freshly tanned/sunburned face
  • Have rash/irritation/allergic reaction in the brow area.
  • Are on blood thinning medications
  • Have Rosacea or very thin skin
  • Clients suffering from diabetes or heart problems
  • During or right after Chemotherapy (please wait at least 3 months after completing
  • Please make sure you are healthy when you come for your appointment (no viral infections, cold or flu)
  • If you have previously tattooed/microbladed brows (even very faded) please contact us before booking your appointment

If you are still not sure if you are a good candidate for Nano or Ombre/Powder Brow you can contact us to book a consultation.


Does it hurt?

We can’t say that it is the most fun thing you’ll have fun.  But a topical anesthetic is used to maximize comfort during the procedure. Every person has a different pain tolerance.
*Receiving the procedure during your menstrual cycle usually increases your sensitivity and makes it more uncomfortable.

What can affect my results?

Bleeding during the procedure. It is very important that you follow pre-care instructions to help minimize bleeding.

1 month before:

  • Discontinue Vitamin A/Retinol products one month prior to treatment
  • Botox and filler on the forehead, temple, and eye area should be avoided 1 month before the procedure for those who do not regularly receive injectables

2 weeks before:

  • Do not tan two weeks prior or have a sunburned face
  • Do not have any type of facial/peel 2 weeks before treatment

1 week before:

  • Do not pick/tweeze/wax/perform electrolysis one week before the procedure
  • Do not take Fish Oil, Omega 3 St. John’s Wart, Vitamin E, B6, Ginko Biloba, Ibuprofen, Aspirin (blood thinners)
  • Do not wax or tint your eyebrows 3 days before the procedure
  • Avoid sun and tanning one week before the procedure

24 hours before:

  • Do not work out on the day of the procedure
  • NO alcohol or caffeine 48 hours before the procedure (this includes decaf coffee and tea)
  • With Medical approval, stop blood thinners 1-3 days prior

What happens during my appointment?

When you arrive for your appointment you will be asked to fill out consent forms and we will begin designing the brow shape through brow mapping. We will recommend a brow design that will suit your face and we will work together to create brows that you like best and will look the most natural.

Next, your brow area will be thoroughly cleaned and a topical anesthetic will be applied. While you are numbing, we will review aftercare instructions and answer all your questions.

Once you have finished numbing, the procedure will begin.

Please keep in mind that this procedure is NOT makeup. Depending on your brows and bone structure and the amount of hair you have on your eyebrows, makeup may still be needed to achieve more dramatic brow looks once you have healed.

Additional numbing will be applied during the procedure to help keep you as comfortable as possible.

How long does the procedure take?
The time can vary depending on the procedure. For the initial appointment, we dedicate 2-3 hours. Much of that time is spent choosing colors, design, and allowing the topical anesthetics to take effect.

Will permanent cosmetics change or look bad as I age?
Permanent cosmetics will fade gradually over time. The color will fade and when you return for a touch-up you can also change the color (within reason) as you age.

Are activities restricted during the healing period?
It is important to avoid saunas, facials, steam baths, activities that will result in extreme sweating, tanning salons, sun and chlorinated or salt water pools for a minimum of a week and preferably two weeks after a procedure.

What is your lateness policy?
Please call if you are going to be late. If you are more than 15 minutes late to your appointment your service fee will be forfeited and your appointment will be cancelled.  If you want to book your next appointment, you will have to pay another deposit.

What to expect after:

EYEBROWS take between 4-6 weeks to fully heal. After this time you may receive your 1 touch-up if the color hasn’t been retained, or if you would simply like to add more definition to your eyebrow tattoo. Touch-up is not included in the initial session price.

After the topical numbing wears off you may feel some tenderness on and around the eyebrow area. You may also experience slight swelling and redness the day of your procedure; this is normal and typically goes away within 24-48 hours. At this point, you may take Tylenol if you feel any pain, but avoid Aspirin or Ibuprofen as it can cause blood thinning, which could interfere with pigment retention.

At first, your eyebrows will appear darker and bolder immediately after the procedure but will soften and fade as your skin heals in the coming days. The color will be changing throughout the next couple of weeks. This is 100% normal. As with anything new on our faces, you will need time to adjust to the new eyebrow design.

Within a few days (typically 5-10) you will notice some scabbing or flaking on the tattooed area, do not pick any scab!!! Doing so can result in loss of pigment in those areas.

Brows may appear uneven or patchy until the entire brow has finished exfoliating. You may notice that some areas may appear very light or even to have lost pigment entirely after they have peeled, the epidermis will be thicker causing muting, hiding, or diffusing of pigment underneath. The epidermis will normalize over the next 4-6 weeks and softened pigment will resurface and “bloom” back into the surface of the skin.

 At 4-6 weeks your brows will be fully healed. If you’d prefer darker, bolder brows we can always add more color or dimension during your follow-up appointment!

Aftercare Steps:

Day 1- The day of the treatment.

Gently wipe the area with damp cotton rounds to absorb excess lymph fluid. Do this every 30 minutes for at least the first 3 hours or best until going to bed.

Before going to sleep wash your eyebrows with a gentle cleanser for 10 seconds using your fingertips. Rinse with water and pat dry with a clean towel.

Days 2-14

Wash daily to remove bacteria and dead skin. (Don’t worry….this does not remove the pigment)

Gently wash your eyebrows each morning and night with water and a gentle facial cleanser. Use your fingertips to massage the area in a wiping motion for 10 seconds and rinse with water. To dry, gently pat with a clean tissue or towel.

Apply a rice grain amount of cream provided (if advised) starting the next day after the procedure after each wash for 7-10 days.

Important Reminders:

  • Use a fresh pillowcase
  • Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate away. Picking can cause scarring or loss of color
  • No facials, botox, chemical treatments, or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks
  • Avoid hot, sweaty exercise for one week
  • Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 4 weeks after the procedure Wear a hat when outdoors
  • Avoid heavy sweating and long hot showers for the first 10 days.
  • Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 10 days
  • Avoid swimming, lakes, hot tubs for the first 10 days
  • Avoid topical makeup including sunscreen on the area while healing
  • DO NOT rub, pick, or scratch the treated area
  • Limit your showers to 5 minutes so you do not create too much steam. Your face should not get wet under the shower

It is extremely important that you follow our aftercare instructions.



  • Smoking: Smokers may notice that their Powder Brow will fade faster
  • Anemia and iron deficiency: Your body will absorb iron-based pigments more quickly.
  • Sun exposure: Increased exposure to the sun will cause premature fading. It is recommended that you use sunscreen on your brows after the healing process is complete.
  • Color of pigment: Lighter colors fade more quickly than darker colors.


Your Facial Enhancement FAQs

Click Here to view details about all of the facial enhancements that are available.

We offer a variety of lash and brow treatments, including:

  • Lash Lifting/Lash Lamination
  • Lash Tinting
  • Brow Tinting

We also offer permanent makeup options to create a consistently beautiful look that makes your beauty routine seamless and easier.

We offer Elleebana brand lash and brow lamination services. These treatments take approximately 1 hour and cost $90, including tinting. 

The Elleeplex Profusion Lash and Brow Lamination System provides luscious lifted lashes and brow lamination using the same product. Clients experience gorgeous grow-out and minimal chance of over-processing. Some other benefits include:

  • TGA free – this means no thioglycolic acid or its derivatives.
  • Lash bond integrity is maintained with the use of a highly evolved Cysteamine Hydrochloride formula that minimizes the chance of over-processing with a nourishing lash damage defense system formulated into the easy-to-use system.
  • Strengthens lashes and gives a longer, fuller, and more defined transformative result to a lash or brow lamination.
  • Vegan-friendly – not tested on animals, and the raw materials used in the formulation contain no materials derived or sourced from animals, animal tissue, tissue extract, etc.
  • Results that last 6 to 8 weeks with a reduced chance of irregular growth out in the lash growth cycle.
  • Produced and formulated by OTTO – one of the few brands in the world with a cosmetic chemist at the forefront of the brand, producing products with the salon in mind.

Yes! Our lash-enhancing home care can help clients see amazing results for darker, fuller, longer natural lashes. Hear what Heather has to say about these treatments: 

“You know how they say the eyes are the window to the soul?

“They have always been one of my favorite features, and I’ve focused on how I can enhance them. A few years ago, I tried Latisse, and while I loved what it did for my lashes, it really irritated my skin. I didn’t want to give it up because I got so used to lush, beautiful lashes, so I was on a mission to find something that produced the same awesome results without irritating. 

“I was thrilled when I found Liaison; not only did it fit the bill, it is also a fraction of the cost. So, naturally, I want to share it with you too!

“I noticed improvement around week 2, and it just keeps getting better. I’m not religious about it, either—I’ll use it a few days in a row, forget for a week or so, then remember and start using it consistently again, and the cycle repeats! If you’d like to get some for yourself, CLICK HERE to get exclusive 50% OFF pricing.”

Machine Stroke, Nano Brow, Ombre Brow and Macroblading.

Microblading uses a manual tool to create many tiny hair strokes throughout the brow, whereas Nano and Ombre Brows use a machine to create a hair stroke effect. Nano Brow heals faster, scabbing is less pronounced, there is less trauma in the skin, and because of that, retention is much better.

No, you don’t. These are great solutions for people who have over-plucked their eyebrows (think 90’s brows) or for people who have naturally very thin/light eyebrows and want to accentuate the look of eyebrows on their face. It is not necessary nor recommended for a client to get rid of any natural hair they may already have. We want to make the eyebrows look as natural as possible, and we always try to enhance your natural eyebrows so it is best for us to see them.

In the classic set (our starter set), single eyelash extensions are applied to each of your natural lashes. This is great for clients who are looking to add length and light volume while still maintaining a natural look. We offer additional fill treatments to keep your look fresh. 

Classic Eyelash Extension Full Set
Starting at $250.00 approx. 2 hours

1-week Classic Fill
Starting at $95.00 approx. 30 min.

2-week Classic Fill
Starting at $125.00 approx. 45 min.

3-week Classic Fill
Starting at $155.00 approx. 1 hour4-week Classic Fill
Starting at $185.00 approx. 1 hour 15 min.

Enhance & Simplify Your Daily Routine

You don’t have to struggle to look the way you want. With facial enhancements, you lay the groundwork for better skin, a more beautiful appearance, and greater cellular health. Skin with a stronger foundation makes it easier to get more out of life, whether that means a greater sense of confidence, a shorter beauty routine, or more no-makeup days.

Get the direct, impactful results you want out of your facials when you book your treatments at Self-Care Center.

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